About the use of cookies

This statement explains what cookies are and how they are used. You should read this text to understand what cookies we use, what information we collect through cookies and how this information is used. For more information on the use, storage and retention of our personal information, see the privacy statement.

This statement also explains what your rights are in relation to the personal information you provide to us. If you have any questions about our cookie policy, please contact:

Address: Innovaate Oy, Iso-Heikkiläntie 6, 3rd floor, 20200 Turku
Phone: +358 44 073 0696
Email: [email protected]

What are cookies?

Cookies are small text files that are stored on the browser or hard drive of your computer or mobile device when you visit a website. Cookies make your user experience as smooth as possible and they can e.g. remember your preferences so you don’t have to add your information over and over again, for example.

There are different types of cookies. Some cookies come directly from our website and others from third parties who place cookies on our website.

Cookies can be stored on your browser or device for varying periods of time. Session cookies are deleted from your computer or device when you close your web browser. Persistent cookies are stored on your computer or device until they are deleted or expire.

Cookies can be used to collect the following information, among others:

  • the IP address of the user of our site
  • time
  • pages browsed and time spent on them
  • browser version and terminal operating system
  • the web address from which the user arrived at the site
  • the web address to which the user will go after using the site, and
  • the server and its domain name from which the user has come to our site

 We have 2 cookie formats that work on our website:

1. Necessary cookies

Some of the cookies are necessary for the pages to function in a way that is appropriate for their use. These cookies allow you, for example, to log in to the service and use certain parts of the service securely. Without these cookies, some parts of our site would simply not function as they should and therefore it is necessary to use them.

2. Performance-enhancing cookies

These cookies tell us how the site is commonly used and help us improve the site. For example, these cookies count the number of visitors to our website and see how visitors navigate when they use the site. This helps us improve the performance of our site, for example, by ensuring that users find what they are looking for easily. Based on the information, we can, for example, add to the site things that users seem to be interested in at all, or similarly give up providing services that have proved unnecessary. The information obtained from these cookies also helps us to ensure the smooth operation of the website. Among other things, this information enables us to better anticipate the need for technical capacity in good time before problems arise.

How do we use cookies?

We use cookies to improve your browsing experience:

  • by identifying you when you log in to the service
  • by providing better usability and higher quality content, which we believe will enhance the benefits our service brings to you
  • by analyzing how you use our site, which helps us troubleshoot and track our own performance.

 We do not use the profiling information collected through cookies to target advertising or to support decision-making about you.

What kind of cookies do we use?

The most important cookie on our website is


This cookie is necessary to help the site work properly.

To disable this cookie, you must change your browser's cookie settings. If you choose to block this cookie, the website may not function as it should.

Third Party Cookies

Google Analytics

This is a performance and service development cookie that we use because of the Google Analytics website visitor tracking program.

The data collected is anonymous and is used in benchmarking to monitor service performance and measure user engagement.

For more information about the Google Analytics privacy policy for data collection, please visit http://www.google.com/intl/en/policies/privacy/partners/

You can disable the Google Analytics cookie from your browser settings or by installing the browser extension available at https://tools.google.com/dlpage/gaoptout?hl = en

How do I change my cookie settings or block cookies?

Your browser lets you choose whether or not to accept cookies. Browsers from different manufacturers and their versions give you different options to choose your settings. Usually, your browser offers you the choice to accept, reject or delete cookies as best viewer i subject to restrictions (e.g., at any time, or from certain service providers used by website owners, i.e., cookies from third parties, or from cookies from certain websites). Each browser website should have instructions on how to manage cookie settings in the browser.

More information: https://www.aboutcookies.org/how-to-delete-cookies/

If you block cookies on our website, you may not have access to certain sections of our website and certain functions or pages may not function as usual.

Changes to cookie policy

We may update this policy from time to time. Please check this policy regularly to make sure you know the latest version.

This cookie policy was last updated on 22 October 2020.